

英语系, 与罗兹职业服务办公室合作, 赞助了一些实习项目. 实习 offer an excellent opportunity to observe and participate in a workplace environment. Such experiences allow students to explore various career options as they decide how they will apply themselves after graduation. 更多关于实习的信息,请访问 职业服务陋居楼105室.

需要 戈登·毕格罗教授的 实习申请表签字. 英语460可以获得F11学分

行动新闻5、新闻 & 体育实习生:协助新闻和体育节目的编辑和制作. 良好的写作和沟通能力. 一定对广播感兴趣吧.

公关实习生: 需要 an independent application; please apply directly to ALSAC. 要查看ALSAC的当前365亚洲体育,请访问:stjude.org/jobs/alsac.html. You must register through Rhodes for academic credit once the internship has been approved by ALSAC.

阿尔茨海默氏症 & 痴呆症服务,社交媒体实习生: The Social Media/Marketing Intern is responsible for the development and maintenance of 阿尔茨海默氏症 & 孟菲斯痴呆症服务公司. 主要的社交媒体渠道. 实习生还将研究寻找文章, stories or other content that is relevant in a manner that invites conversation as well as develop and maintain an email newsletter.

在家孟菲斯杂志,编辑实习生: Assist editorial staff; help edit articles and create titles/subtitles; write various articles; gather research information about various subjects and places for editorial content; contact various P.R. 代表和要求资料和高分辨率照片. 最低GPA: 3.0.

内部沟通实习生Baker Donelson: Assist with the 生产 of a monthly internal online magazine; assist in development, research and script-写作 of internal videos; draft/edit internal communications; develop and help produce communications for the CEO; manage the HR blog (one entry/week); participate in firm activities.

Baker Donelson,市场营销和业务发展实习生: 实习生将负责客户关系管理数据库支持, 公共关系和认证工作, 活动策划, 和发展前景, 客户和其他研究. Must undergo a professional conflicts check and comply with Baker Donelson′s information privacy and security requirements.

轮子上的芭蕾舞蹈学校 & 公司: 开发 competencies specific to non profits in market planning and business 写作; Write and submit press releases to local news media (online/print); write business letters for sponsorship requests and other written communications for dance company events; Writes/edits branding school and communication material, as need be; develops and coordinates event campaigns for spring community dance events.

建筑物孟菲斯: BLDG孟菲斯是一个可持续发展组织,总部设在市中心,致力于整个孟菲斯地区的各种社区发展项目. Responsibilities may include communications, 写作, research, and potentially 活动策划.

教会保健中心: 需要 an independent online application; please apply directly to the Church Health Center. 要查看当前365亚洲体育,请访问:churchhealthcenter.org/interns. You must register through Rhodes for academic credit once the internship has been approved by the Church Health Center.

穿过城市的艺术: 跨城艺术的使命是通过提供资源和机会来激励和支持多样化和深远的受众,进一步培养孟菲斯的创意社区. Crosstown Arts manages a variety of 空间 and programs within Crosstown Concourse that integrate exhibition, 表演, 生产, 零售和教育. 这是对集体愿景的承诺, 协作和资源共享将编程结合在一起, 空间, tenants and services of Crosstown Arts and Crosstown Concourse and ultimately benefits the neighboring community and the city at large. The student intern will have responsibilities in administration, 生产, and management. 这种体验可以根据学生的兴趣进行定制.

Grace-St. Luke’s Episcopal School,通讯实习生: 实习生将协助传媒部门进行摄影工作, 写作, 以及与学校宣传有关的在线交流, 包括:撰写学校活动的新闻稿, reviewing the school website and researching the best practices for independent school websites, 评估GSL学校的脸谱网页面, 等. 本实习要求包括:优秀的写作能力, 熟悉脸谱网, 社交网络, 以及在线交流工具, 熟练使用Word和Excel.

Goner唱片,公共关系/市场实习生: Work on press for record releases and tours including coordination of interviews, 跟进作家, 分发宣传资料, 并提交评论, 在线首映式, 等. 保持社交媒体的更新(脸谱网, 推特, Flickr, & GonerBlog). 协助组织、校对和归档新闻报道.

希望之家,市场助理: Will help with organizing and developing Hope House in the 孟菲斯 Community through 公共关系 media. 协助与不同公司的基金撰写和跟进. 帮助向公司做演讲和一些筹款活动.

洛桑学院传媒实习生: Write press releases write and copy edit various materials including the school magazine, 明信片, and brochures; write and copy edit electronic publications such as email newsletters, 并参加特别活动.

中南许愿基金会传播实习生: The Make-A-Wish Foundation grants wishes to children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, 力量和喜悦. The Communications Intern will assist the Communications Manager with print and e-newsletters, 网站维护, 设计项目, 和其他项目. 申请人必须有新闻写作,布局和设计的经验. 了解AP风格者优先. Experience with Adobe InDesign and the Microsoft Office suite is preferred, but not required.

孟菲斯品牌倡议,传播实习生: MBI领导一个协调一致的努力,把最好的技术在数字, 市场营销, 和沟通一起提升孟菲斯在当地的声誉, 国家, 以及国际水平. 通信实习生将通过协助创建各种通信副本,包括编写更新到一张纸,来培养现实世界的写作技巧, 编辑现有的MBI文档, 为WeAre孟菲斯写文章.com的博客. Interns will accompany the Communications Specialist to local information meetings and gain experience on interviewing for PR purposes, 问题问, 和网络. 其他职责包括监控我们是孟菲斯的社交媒体资料和整个孟菲斯数字生态系统,以支持品牌工作.

孟菲斯儿童倡导中心: 开发, research and write relevant articles for newsletter and other publications; conduct public awareness presentations; conduct outreach activities including media; research grant opportunities; assist in planning and evaluating programs; conduct demographics study and report on relevant new research in the areas of child sexual abuse and social services.

孟菲斯 & 谢尔比县电影委员会项目专员实习生: 协助审查电影剧本和确定孟菲斯的拍摄地点,使用静态镜头和展示吸引主要电影公司到孟菲斯制作. 工作保密!

孟菲斯大学学院公关实习生: 研究并撰写专题报道, 兴趣文章, and alumni profiles; assist with the content and 写作 for the Headmaster′s 新闻letter; write and produce press releases; assist with special events.

孟菲斯城市电视台1台(MUTV1),电影录像实习生: The mission of MUTV1 is to strengthen the African American Community by using public access tv to: facilitate the sharing of information, 加强社区对话, 鼓励个人和艺术表达, 建立对当地利益的意识, 促进社区参与. The film-video intern will be able to leave the program prepared to work as writers, 生产商, 董事, 电影摄影师, 声音设计师和编辑, 并将他们的教育应用到主流娱乐中.

国家民权博物馆传播实习生: 执行媒体相关职责,如撰写媒体发布和提醒, 在活动中管理媒体, track coverage; Raise brand awareness to convert online visitors to onsite guests, donors or volunteers; Maintain top-of-mind awareness and strong social media presence that encourages audiences to learn about civil rights history and open dialogue on current issues; Conduct online searches, 从博物馆展品中推断信息, 学习历史, 管理鼓励参观博物馆的内容, visitor reviews and create an engaging digital presence; Conduct comparison analysis of communication channels to capture younger museum audience; 开发 promotional strategy for online retail store; 开发 newsletter articles and internal communications; Learn email 市场营销 software 和媒体 monitoring services, 网站和社交媒体聚合工具.

新孟菲斯学院,传播与营销实习生: Update and draft content for website; help manage 状态-of-the-art blog, 孟菲斯Connect.com; disseminate messages via 推特, 脸谱网, and other 社交网络 accounts; help draft monthly newsletters; assist with press releases.

“一步计划”文案实习生: One Step Initiative (OSI) aims to bring global education opportunities to the nation's most underserved high school students. 我们的愿景是成为内城高中教育的第一留学提供者-为学生提供互动体验 & 在国际环境中学习,超越社会经济障碍. The intern will: 开发 content for and manage social media channels (including but not limited to 脸谱网, 推特 and Instagram); Draft event and program press releases; 开发 and draft blog content; Assist in the updating of the information on the organization’s website; Maintain email contact lists and assist in designing email templates.

孟菲斯歌剧院,P.R./营销实习生: Assist in creation of press releases and newspaper advertisements; assist during special 市场营销 functions; conduct research and assist Principal Performers when needed. 熟练使用Microsoft Office和Adobe PageMaker软件者优先.

计划生育、传播实习生: The Communications Intern will assist the External Affairs department with various duties related to social media, 公共关系, 和媒体. 作业可能涉及更新媒体列表, 将媒体文件夹拉到一起, 组织公关宣传活动, 在社交媒体上整理帖子. Knowledge of blogging and social media and an interest in progressive politics is preferred. 必须愿意接受背景调查吗.

滨河开发公司娱乐项目实习生: 娱乐节目实习生负责协助青少年和成人的活动和事件的规划和实施. 此外,实习生将更新RDC的社交媒体账户. 规划区域包括:Beale Street Landing, Riverfront Bar & 烧烤,还有十个滨河公园. 需要单独申请. 电子邮件internships@rhodes.Edu了解详情.

RiverKings,媒体关系实习生: The intern will write nightly Game Notes, write feature stories for publication on riverkings.Com和新的每月游戏夜杂志,为河王投故事的想法.com, 游戏之夜杂志和当地媒体, 在中场休息时采访球员和教练, 参加周末的社区发展活动, and assist with the running of all RiverKings social media platforms and website.

谢尔比农场保护协会,通讯实习生: Assist Communications Manager in all aspects of communications including website content, 撰写和编辑新闻稿, 为组织写作和编辑, assisting with special events; opportunities to work with creative firm and PR firm.

南方新娘杂志: Intern will be involved with fashion, 写作, blogging, and updating social media. The intern should be proficient in Microsoft Office and have knowledge of Adobe.

St. 玛丽圣公会学校,传播/发展实习生.: Our intern will assist with all areas of school communications and 市场营销, 包括杂志编辑和写作, 社交媒体策略, 用照片和视频报道校园活动, and working across school departments on all 市场营销 and communications issues. You will also work with a top-notch development team on communication strategies, 募捐, 特别活动策划及捐赠人管理.

风格蓝图: “风格蓝图”实习生将协助进行文章研究, 为文章拍照,写文章, 以及协助一些行政工作, 如加载图像文件或交付项目给客户端.

证言项目,社交媒体实习生社交媒体/传播实习生的主要职责包括:更新证词项目DC的社交媒体账户, posting/tweeting/regularly; Reaching out to other advocates and other community organizations re: about the possibility of working together or community partnerships; Help coordinate scheduling for filming with our participants; Work with founders to devise a successful recruitment strategy for participants; Helping founders work on developing a fundraising strategy; Serving as a campus ambassador for the project; Helping develop and implement a community outreach strategy with founders.

真实故事图片,通讯实习生:添加, 更新, 并管理全国上市公司, 区域, 状态, 以及当地机构, 供应商, 以及在青少年司法领域工作的非营利组织, 青少年与家庭, 刑事司法改革. Work with partners like the National Juvenile Justice Network to identify gaps within regions of particular interest. Transcribe audio interviews with individuals who’ve had personal contact with the juvenile justice system. 在网站的“故事”部分发布采访和照片. Provide outreach coordination and scheduling support to individuals who want to record their stories. 管理社交媒体内容. Identify, schedule and share 兴趣文章 on our FB and 推特 pages. 当新故事添加到网站时,发布项目新闻和通知. 促进活动并刺激观众参与. 跟踪社交媒体分析,每月报告(喜欢/关注者), 提到, 高层职位, 配置文件访问, 印象).

是的! 留学、传播与社交媒体实习生: Assist in the creation of a communications plan to publicize content with the goal to convert social media fans into website subscribers; 管理社交媒体内容 and publishing according to communications plan; Assess post metrics and tweak communications plan accordingly; Assist in the distribution or delivery of 市场营销 materials; Assist with fulfillment of 市场营销 offers; Create content specifically focused on addressing study abroad pain points or detailing the benefits and usefulness of studying abroad; Act as an ambassador for 是的! 通过口口相传和个人社交媒体的存在出国留学.