
a stack of books authored by 英语 department faculty at 365betapp下载学院
a stack of books authored by 英语 department faculty at 365betapp下载学院

Departmental 新闻 and Events

的 Southwestern Review is the college’s literary journal produced by Rhodes students, and its goal is to publish work—including literature and art—that inspires original thought, community-building, and support for creative expression.
Rhodes enjoys a range of Shakespeare-related resources thanks to a generous bequest from the late Dr. Iris Annette Pearce. 的 Pearce Shakespeare Endowment was established in 2007 to enrich courses in Shakespeare and support events for the campus.
Harry Dircks ’24 has spent the past four years bringing music to Rhodes through the Mike Curb Institute for Music and spreading Rhodes’ music and values worldwide with the Rhodes Singers.